Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Nepali to English translations for semi-english literate parent's fight

I prepared this cheat sheet for my semi-english literate Nepali parents to help with their english communication during their flight.

Word Document in Google Docs


पानी माग्ने     --  Can you give us some warm water?

कफी माग्ने     --  Can you give us some coffee?

सन्चो नभएमा --  Me/(My Wife) is not feeling okay. Can you help?

व्हील चेयर कहा आउछ ?   -- We have requested wheelchair assistance. Where do I  find the person assisting us?

फलफुल माग्ने      -- Do you have some fruits?


वाइफाइ (सबै एअरपोर्टमा सोध्ने) --  Can you please connect the Airport's free wifi  to this CellPhone ?

गेट पक्का गर्ने दोहामा     -- Is the correct gate number to Chicago via AA8124?

गेट पक्का गर्ने शिकागोमा -- Is the correct gate number to Minneapolis via AA3988?

खानेकुरा किन्ने ठाउ कहा छ ? -- Where can we buy some food?

शिकागोमा ओर्लने बेला

ब्याग लिएर अर्को प्लेनमा राख्ने हो ?   -- We have a connecting flight to Minneapolis.    Do we need to transfer our own baggage to the  flight to Minneapolis?

यदी हो भने, घुम्ती नम्बर सोध्ने  --  What is the carousel number to pick the 

   luggages for this flight?

मिनेसोटामा ओर्लने बेला

लगेज लिने घुम्ती नम्बर  -- What is the carousel number to pick the luggages   for this flight?

हराए जस्तो लागेमा 

अर्को गेटमा पुराइदिनु न -- I think I’m lost. Can you take me to the next Gate? I’ve my flight details with me.

Ramलाइ फोन गर्न परेमा -- Can you please call my son Ram at 


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